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Showing Care with Response (Complete With Dialogues, Pictures and Video)


A.    Definition of Showing Care / Simphaty
Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see people are unlucky, have trouble, or are in bad condition. (Ungkapan rasa simpati di gunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati kepada seseorang atas suatu kejadian, baik kabar menggembirakan atau tidak). For example, our friend is sad because his/her grandfather is sick. We can entertain him/her by showing sympathy. By expressing sympathy, we want to show our concern or care for other people’s condition.
            The purpose of expressing sympathy is to comfort people who have trouble or are in bad conditions. It is also aimed to let people know that we care for them. We can express sympathy directly to him/her orally by saying something supportive. In this way, we let our friend know that we know about his/her sadness and we let our friend know that we care and want to help him/her. If the person who is introuble is far from us, we can send him/her a letter, postcard, short message service (sms), or email to show our care/ sympathy.
B.     Examples of the use of Showing Care / Simphaty
1.    Formal Situation
a)    Some of the example:
·      I am most upset to hear that.
·      What a terrible situation for you!
·      One should not worry too much
·      I do sympathise with you.
·      What a terrible situation for you.
·      I do sympathize.
·      You have my deepest sympathy
·      Please accept my condolences. (when someone has died)
b)   Dialog
Today Imran is not feeling well. He is staying at home. He has just received a sympathy card through an email from his sister who lives far away in Singapore. The card says, “Sending you sunny smiles, warm wishes, and healing thoughts . . . Hope today finds you feeling much better!”  Many of his friends also come to his house.
·      Rama   : You look so pale. I bring you some soup, fix you some tea and bake you some treats. Hope you recover soon.
·      Imran  : Thanks a lot. What a lovely friend you are! I really appreciate that.
·      Rido    : I’d also water your plants and tidy your room.
·      Imran  : Thank you very much. I’m glad you do it for me.
·      Ramon: To help you feel better, I’d fluff up your pillow and straighten your sheets.
·      Imran  : I am so grateful to you. You’re the best friends I have ever had.
2.    Informal Situation
a)    examples are shown below:
·      That’s awful
·      Oh no!
·      Oh dear.
·      Poor you, …
3.    Neutral Situation
a)    Example of Neutral Situation:
·      I’m sorry to hear that.
·      You must be very upset.
·      What extremely bad luck.
·      I know how it feels.
b)   Dialog
·      Mary   : Hello, John, What’s that…? You look dejected. What’s wrong?
·      John    : My grandma passed away in New York, Mary.
·      Mary   : I’m terribly sorry to hear that, John. How old was she?
·      John    : Seventy one… This December.
·      Mary    : Then she wasn’t very old. Had she been ailing for some time?
·      John    : So she had written in her last letter. She was having a hard time with many complications…
·      Mary  : When is the funeral…?
·      John   : It must have been over by now.
·      Mary   : I know how you feel… Words can’t comfort you when someone dear to you departs.
4.    Responding to a Simphaty
·      Thank you very much
·      It’s very kind of you
·      I hope so
·      That’s a pity, isn’t it?

C.    This picture shows about expressions of Showing Care / Simphaty
1.    Picture 01

2.    Picture 02

3.    Picture 03

Please watch the Video :

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  1. Blog nya keren, lengkap, dan post nya juga lengkap, dan keren.

    Hanya aja nggak ada subtitle Indonesia nya,... Buat saya sih nggak masalah namun ada begitu banyak orang yang melihatnya juga

  2. sangat membantu,terima kasih
